York Treadmill

York Treadmill

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York Treadmill

York treadmills have been established for the last 70 years and during this time they have achieved a reputation for producing solid, well built fitness equipment. Their treadmills bear no exception. The extensive range of York treadmills has something for everyone. From the entry level models to those at the higher end of the price range, each York treadmills offers an excellent value for money and quality – especially when you take the York’s price match policy into consideration. From experience, York treadmills are well built and that is rare as anything goes wrong with them, but for peace of mind they are all backed with a full manufacturer’s warranty.

List of York Fitness Treadmills

  • York Equipe Treadmill
  • York Nexus Treadmill
  • York t201 Treadmill
  • York t202 Treadmill
  • York t203 Treadmill
  • York t300 Treadmill
  • York t302 Treadmill
  • York t501 Treadmill

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Jude Bennett
Jude Bennett
August 7, 2020 7:10 am

Hi, I have a treadmill Heritage T101. From about March of this year I have been trying to get through to your company to speak to an engineer for advice on what is wrong with the treadmill. It keeps coming up with the error message LS. I bought a speed sensor cable but it still did not work. Before I spend all that money on a circuit board its not too much to ask to speak to an engineer to guide me through a fault finding procedure to try and isolate the problem. I have tried many times to connect… Read more »

December 29, 2022 4:06 am

I would like to have my York Fitness treadmill serviced. Am I able to book an engineer via yourselves? How do I go about this?