

Important Upper Body Workouts

Important Upper Body Workouts

Upper body is always the reflection of a healthy physique. To attain a tonned upperbody, one has be very determined and hard working and at the same must follow a strict upper body workout routine. Upperbody workout involves many strength... read more »

Pilates Workouts & Exercises Guide

Pilates Workouts & Exercises Guide

What is Pilates?

Developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century Pilates is a widely popular workout technique practiced in the USA which emphases on the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness of your body.Core... read more »

Best Exercise Ball Workouts

Best Exercise Ball Workouts

An inflatable exercise ball is one of your ultimate exercising partners, especially if you are looking for some cardio workout. There is a whole wide range of exercise ball workouts to choose from. All you need is an exercise ball... read more »

Flexibility Exercises for Women

Flexibility in the body is necessary if you want to have effective workouts. Flexibility of the body increases the motion of your workout and increases body blood circulation which will help you from injuries and will make you calm and... read more »

Exercises for Kids

Exercises for kids are a major concern for parents these days. Child under all age can go through some minor physical exercises which can keep them fit and healthy. Infect yoga is better suited for teenagers, but this form of... read more »

Why Swimming Is Absolutely Best For Weight Loss

Why Swimming Is Absolutely Best For Weight Loss

Swimming has been the ally of mankind since ages. It can be counted as a hobby, as a life saving technique, a sports and as an exercise. But there is no doubt that either way when you swim it helps... read more »

Exercises for Wrist

Most of the peoples generally focuses on the chest, bicep, triceps and shoulder etc. The wrist is often neglected, without knowing its importance. Wrist plays a very important in sports as well as in many household works. Here is some... read more »

Exercises for Legs

It may be amazing to know that only leg exercise can burn higher calories. Legs, the biggest muscle groups in the human body is generally neglected by normal people and highly focused on bigger pecs and bulging biceps. Neglecting legs... read more »

Powerlifting Workouts Exercises

Powerlifting Workouts Exercises

Powerlifitng is one of the most famous workouts that involves a load of power and strength building.Powerlifting includes three lifts: the squat, seat press and deadlift. Powerlifters invest the greater part of their time preparing with these activities additionally incorporate... read more »

Advantages of Biking to Office

Advantages of Biking to Office

We all have an idea of the pros of biking, but only some of us are ready to sacrifice our luxuries for the sake of biking. Incorporating the biking to office practice in day to day life is not just... read more »

Important Arm Workout for Women

When it comes to fitness, a toned arm is also in the wish list of many women. To fit beautifully in your favorite sleeveless attire start working from today itself and see the different. Arm workout are not so... read more »

30-Minutes a day, Put the FAT Away

30-Minutes a day, Put the FAT Away

Often we hear people telling how badly they want to cut down on their body fat but just don’t have the time to work out for it. In the super busy lifestyle of today, people just don’t have time for... read more »

Ab Exercises for Women

Almost every woman like to have a flat and attractive belly. Maintaining such belly requires some cleaning eating along with some serious physical exercises. Abs Exercises for women are must to do things if you want the clear cut abdominal... read more »

Shape Your Muscles Well With Kettlebell

Shape Your Muscles Well With Kettlebell

Resembling the shape of a Bowling Ball with a handle attached to it, Kettle bells silently whistle tone your muscles. The Kettle bell workouts are considered as one of the best cardio and muscle training... read more »

Shoulder Exercises

Shoulder puts the perfect impression of your physic. Perfect shoulder makes your upper body appear wider. There are many shoulder workouts and exercises but some of the very common exercises are discussed here. If the shoulder is not trained, many... read more »

How to Beat Treadmill Boredom & Enjoy Exercise?

How to Beat Treadmill Boredom & Enjoy Exercise?

Running amidst nature and sweating profusely feels truly rewarding. I am taking up running about a couple of years back. Until there were weather fluctuations, running for an hour or two was always possible. But, during rains, my entire regimen... read more »

Power Workout for Muscle Gain

Power Workout for Muscle Gain

Muscle gain exercises are many. It depends on you how you categorize these exercises and schedule it to attain the desired result. One can simply categorize these exercises into upper body exercises and lower body exercises. Further divide the upper... read more »

5 Biceps Boosting Workouts

5 Biceps Boosting Workouts

Being one of the highly-publically noticed muscles group, growth of the bicep muscles are amongst our prime interests while beginning a muscle-building program. Before you begin on your mission to grow mountain biceps, you must understand that... read more »

Exercises for Triceps

Exercises for triceps are numerous but you have be very alert while performing this exercises. This exercises needs enough power along with stability. Learn well before performing this exercises. Here are some of the exercises best suited for building... read more »

Treadmill Workout for Beginners

Treadmill Workout for Beginners

Movies like Bhaag Milkha Bhaag and Paan Singh Tomar are truly inspiring when it comes to tightening your shoelaces and running. A great exercise and truly rewarding, the habit of running needs one to be committed and persistent.

If you are... read more »

Ab Exercises on a Chair

Ab Exercises on a Chair

Who don't wish to have a flat and sexy abs? Nobody. Attaining or maintaining an attractive abs is always a tough task. You often have to control your diet or go through certain serious physical exercises, which is also not... read more »

Barbell Exercises & Workouts

Barbell is an important fitness equipment that is widely used for weight training, weightlifting and power-lifting. Barbell can be used to perform exercises for various parts of the body and what it require is few and relatively inexpensive equipment.... read more »

Exercises for Lower Abs

Building your upper abdominal muscles is relatively easy to that of lower abs and are more challenging, because lower abs are positioned under a layer of fat.The lower abs are one of the toughest areas of the body to... read more »

Abdominal Abs Muscles Workout Exercises

Who does not want to have a 6 pack abs. No doubt attaining 6 packs is not so easy, you need to be very serious about your diet as well as need to go through some serious physical exercises. Here... read more »

4 Reasons Say NO to a Cheap Treadmill

We all have heard the saying “You get what you paid for”. This is something we need to keep in mind while buying essential goods and fitness equipment too; because the repercussions of cheap products in these things can cause... read more »

Guide to FAB Lower AB – Workouts

Guide to FAB Lower AB – Workouts

The pinnacle of your overall fitness “Your Lower Abs” is mostly untouched by traditional core exercises like crunches, bicycling etc. If you are really looking for a flat and sculpt belly, you need to make sure that... read more »

Exercises for Back

A well tonned back can double your strength as well as makes you to appear broader. Its not that very tough a attain a stronger and border back. Just train yourself with some of the below mentioned exercises and experience... read more »

Top 10 Dumbbell Workout Exercises

Top 10 Dumbbell Workout Exercises

Dumbbells are some of the best free weight that are used for full body strength training workouts. Dumbbells can be used for the workouts for maximum all the parts of the body like shoulders, chest, back, forearms, calves muscles, triceps... read more »

Top Forearm Workouts Exercises

Forearms are one of the main you can say attraction of a body. The bigger the size of your forearms the more you seems to be training. People rarely focus on forearms but these are the main part of the... read more »

Exercises For Losing Stomach Fat While Sitting in Chair

Exercises For Losing Stomach Fat While Sitting in Chair

Excess of fat, specially in the tummy area is a major problem now a days. For many its really tough to hit the gym very often and even its harder to give up fatty junk foods. Here are some special... read more »