LifeSource Pedometers
LifeSource Pedometers are very popular and reliable wellness products. These products produces accurate results within a very minimum time. Some of the popular LifeSource Pedometers are listed below-
Lifesource Digital Pedometers Pedometer-
- Walking Pedometer will help you get into the best shape of your life by walking
- Easy to view flip down screen
- Counts steps taken up to 99,999
- Counts distance covered up to 999.99 miles
- Counts calories burned up to 99,999 kcal
Price in USD- $ 13.99
LifeSource Digital Tria- Axial Activity Monitor
- Can be carried in your pocket, purse or bag
- Motion indicator displays the intensity of walking or jogging
- 3-axis motion detection
- Step, distance and calorie counter
- 14-day memory
Price in USD– $ 33.99
Lifesource Wireless Pedometer-Wellness Activity Monitor
- Automatically tracks distance, activity time and steps
- Provides you with a complete record of your activity
- Easy-just clip on your shoe and go
- Tracks your daily activity with the LifeSource wellness connected software right on your home computer
- Calculates calories burned
- Matte black unobtrusive shell
- Views your daily, weekly or monthly activity levels and compare it against your personal goals to keep you moving towards better health
Price in USD– $ 89.95