Creatine is a kind of additional supplement that athletes as well as power trainers take to increase their workout intensity, resulting in muscle growth. Different people have different views about the consumption of creatine supplements.
... read more »Cardio Vascular Exercises also termed as Aerobic Exercises are som of the best ones for maintaing a good health.Benefits of cardiovascular exercises are many. Cardiovascular exercises can be performed by using exercise machines like Treadmills, Elliptical, Steppers... read more »
Excess of fat, specially in the tummy area is a major problem now a days. For many its really tough to hit the gym very often and even its harder to give up fatty junk foods. Here are some special... read more »
When you talk about the word EXERCISE, the true gem among the numerous of exercises has always been and will always be RUNNING. Probably the simplest and most effective of them all, Running is truly worth this honor. It’s just... read more »
A flat, well-toned body is a desire of all. However, in the busy city lifestyle of today, it's too hard to take out time for yourself and your workouts. Moreover, the night shift jobs, continuous sitting for hours in office,... read more »
Protein is very essential for muscle building, but there is a limit. Secondly simply consuming protein powders and relaxing on the sofa, won't work, one must workout hard to train well the body muscles. Excessive use of anything is not... read more »
Weight loss is major concern for a huge groups of peoples these days. Different people try different ways to loss weight. Some totally depends on some weight loss pills, some prefer both pills along with some physical exercise and... read more »
Upper body is always the reflection of a healthy physique. To attain a tonned upperbody, one has be very determined and hard working and at the same must follow a strict upper body workout routine. Upperbody workout involves many strength... read more »
Most of the peoples generally focuses on the chest, bicep, triceps and shoulder etc. The wrist is often neglected, without knowing its importance. Wrist plays a very important in sports as well as in many household works. Here is some... read more »
Men are darn serious about building well-sculpted bodies. But, they know that they won’t achieve it by pumping rods and lifting weights. Thus, they opt for supplements to get a perfect pile of muscle and mass. If you are one... read more »
Loosing some extra weight and burning fat is what the maximum number of people seeks fitness clubs and gyms. Well toned and fit body is what everyone needs.The right combination of cardio training and strength-building exercises is the key to... read more »
Many a times, it has been seen that people exercise hard but due to the hunger aroused as a result of the calories lost during workout they eat even harder immediately after that,. However, this is just not the right... read more »
Staying fit is a major concern of everyone these days.With a busy schedule this has become difficult and people generally end up being sick and broken at a very young age. People with tight schedule finds difficult to go to... read more »
Building your upper abdominal muscles is relatively easy to that of lower abs and are more challenging, because lower abs are positioned under a layer of fat.The lower abs are one of the toughest areas of the body to... read more »
Often, it is the case that people are in so much of hurry to stretch their endurance and attain ultimate fitness that they ignore what their body is trying to tell.Once you are on your mission to get absolute fitness,... read more »
Chest is always the point of attraction in a men physic. Proper exercises can help you to attain a toned and muscled chest. There are different exercises that must be done very carefully along with proper knowledge and strength. Generally... read more »