

Treadmill is exercise equipment used for running and walking while staying in the same place. The design of the machine includes a wide conveyor belt driven by an electric motor or a flywheel. Now days, conveyor belt speed is set by electric motor and user walk or run over the belt. This running machine is very useful for oxidation process in entire body.

Treadmills are considered to be one of the best fitness equipment for aerobic or cardiovascular exercises. There are two types of treadmill electric that comes with the motor and another is manual treadmill. Working on them not only burns the fats but also strengthens heart muscles and improves circulation process in the body.

Treadmill Advantages and Disadvantages

Treadmill Advantages

  • You can work-out anytime independently on weather conditions
  • Walking or Running Speed can be managed as per user preferences
  • Treadmill running machine uses Urethane Deck Elastomer Rubber and works for long time
  • Can calculate calories burned, distance walked or run, heart pulses

Treadmill Disadvantages

  • Running in Indoor, Causes less memory consumption than in free air
  • Doesn’t offer psychological satisfaction
  • May cause injury if not used properly

Treadmill Workouts for Men and Women

Body Get toned and muscles gets stronger when you move your body and go out of your comfort zone for workouts. There are numerous workouts that can be done through these treadmill running machines which helps in toning the body and strngthening the muscles. Some of the great workouts that can be done using treadmill are –

  • Walking – Suitable for senior citizens who do not get time to go outdoors for a morning or evening walk.
  • Jogging – A much tougher than walking, jogging is helpful in shedding some extra calories and maintaining a sound health.
  • Running – Gives the same effect as of running in the open air. Instead it has some additional features such as inclining, declining, resistance control according to your own, display for your workout etc.

Top 5 Treadmills

  1. Nordictrack Elite 9500 Pro Treadmill
  2. ProForm Performance 1450 Treadmill
  3. F85 Sole Treadmill
  4. Smooth Fitness 9.45 ST
  5. Vision Fitness T9600 Platform Treadmill

Treadmill FAQs, Articles, Maintenance Tips & Tricks Guide

Running amidst nature and sweating profusely feels truly rewarding. I am taking up running about a couple of years back. Until there were weather fluctuations, running for an hour or two was always possible. But,... read more »

Are you preparing to run a marathon? Is the weather outside making the training difficult? Are responsibilities making it all the more challenging for you to dedicate time efficiently? If you are facing any of... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best workout machines especially for home use. They are affordable and with great features providing you with whole body workout. But how to choose which of the treadmills is convenient... read more »

Matrix Fitness is one of the leading and fasted growing fitness industry in the fitness world. Matrix is a subsidiary of Johnson Health Tech, Ltd. Matrix offers some range of high quality treadmills. Matrix Treadmills... read more »

If you have that strongest of urges to catch up on your college-time fitness but your daily office schedule (sitting at work desk for 8-9 hours) spoils this dream of yours, you need not worry... read more »

While running on a treadmill do you feel like a mouse trying to balance on a fast spinning wheel? Well, sweating on this machine comes with a lot of advantages. The US Department of Health... read more »

With due course of time, a running treadmill may undergo many technical issues. User should have some basic knowledge about this issues, how to prevent it and use these tips to fix common treadmill problems.... read more »

For running lovers, there is nothing like an open track spreading across meters. However, your treadmill back home is nothing less than your backyard track, with added technical amenities as well.You don’t have to look... read more »

How to Buy a Best Treadmill? Which Treadmill is Best ? Best Treadmill Brand in the Market? These are common topics that wanders in the mind of people while they are in search of the... read more »

Health and fitness are utmost important and the struggle to achieve them is really challenging. In this hectic world it is a big task to maintain a proper schedule for workouts. AFG Treadmills has earned... read more »

Judging the suitability of Treadmills and queuing them is really a tough task. Models from different fitness brands always had a close competition in this screening. This listing is purely based on customers feedback and... read more »

Why Bremshey Treadmills Are Best Option? If you want to lose your weight, enhance your fitness, work on a rehab program, and tone up your personality, treadmill is the tried and tested tool which will... read more »

Endurance Treadmills are made by Body Solid, a reputable company. It is a premier name in the home cardio fitness. They have programs designed for cardiovascular strength, speed, endurance, and weight loss. Endurance treadmill parts... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best workout machines if you want a whole-body workout and to burn a lot of calories. It is best for the home workout sessions and most of the treadmills provide... read more »

Women have a myth that doing all the household chores, rushing to the office, commuting by bus or train is as good as working out. But that’s not true! Though your daily routine can bust... read more »

If you want to maintain your physical fitness, increase your concentration ability, and promote your mental, psychological, and emotional well - being then: walking and running are ideal ways of exercising. Do you wish to... read more »

Want to hear a fun fact about treadmill? The first motorized treadmill was created in 1952. Did you know that? It brings out with the question of how much treadmills are evolved since then? They... read more »

Wow! You’ve got a brand new treadmill! It is the to-go machine to burn calories and lose weight in very less time. Overall exercise has many benefits, but running on a treadmill alone allows you... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best home use workout machines. They are one of the best for your whole-body workouts and give some amazing entertainment features. Ironman Treadmill is one of them. Ironman Treadmills are... read more »

Diamondback Treadmills offer a lot of great features and are priced very competitively. It you want an affordable, well- built treadmill for home use then you are at right place. They put their strong focus... read more »

NordicTrack treadmills are one of the trendiestin the market. If you are looking for affordable treadmills that provide you with painless and simple workout to build up your muscles, then you are at the right... read more »

Doctors and physicians recommend at least 20-30 minutes of jogging or brisk walking. It is the best aerobic activity that can help one stay fit and healthy. Even after knowing this, how many of us... read more »

What's Better for Weight Loss, Running Far or Running Fast? The Answer is : Treadmills!!! The heart is the most important muscle in the body, and it needs exercise to stay in top shape.Treadmills are... read more »

Introduction to Peloton Treadmill The Peloton Treadmill is more than just a piece of exercise equipment - Peloton Treadmill is a revolutionary way to experience fitness from the comfort of your own home. With its... read more »

“NordicTrack” is a name in the World of treadmills that needs no introduction. One of the favorites of customers and top rated by several fitness magazines and websites, NordicTrack treadmills are fine exhibition of expert... read more »

A treadmill is a testimony to various funny incidents at the gym. Do you remember any? However, as hysterical as it may be, such events can cause severe damage and have repercussions with a lasting... read more »

A Treadmill is an excellent medium to lose weight and gain fitness, even without having to put a step outdoors. Providing an ideal way of burning fat, treadmills also enhance our cardiovascular system. In fact,... read more »

Treadmills are considered a perfect machine for home workouts and is more durable and affordable than many other workout equipment. We are here to help you in choosing the best running machine that is perfect... read more »

For people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is essential to exercise. In type 1 diabetes no insulin is produced by the body, while in type 2 diabetes not enough insulin is... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best workout equipment especially if you want to work out at home, treadmills are your best pick. It helps you burn calories and provides with full body workout. But it... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best fitness equipment for your whole-body fitness. It allows you to burn calories by walking, running, and jogging. If you are looking for home workouts, treadmills are the best options.... read more »

Treadmills are the best workout machines especially if you want to work out at home as they are easy to assemble, takes much less space as compared to many machines in the market also provides... read more »

Treadmill is an exercise equipment used for walking, jogging or running while staying in the same place. The design of the machine includes a wide conveyor belt driven by an electric motor or a flywheel.... read more »

Though there are many other treadmill brands, which may be far better than the brands listed in the Top 10 Treadmill Brands by This list is made by keeping in mind of all sort... read more »

It is a myth that lifting heavy weights in the gym is the only way to lose fat or stay healthy. Undoubtedly, that is not the case. Researchers from all over the world have proven... read more »

Movies like Bhaag Milkha Bhaag and Paan Singh Tomar are truly inspiring when it comes to tightening your shoelaces and running. A great exercise and truly rewarding, the habit of running needs one to be... read more »

Precor is one of the leading company in the fitness market that designs and builds premium fitness equipment. Precor has won many awards and recognition for its innovations, technology and Award for Excellence in Customer... read more »

Light and non-strenuous exercises are recommended for people with back and joint pains. However, not all exercise equipment is same. Some prove to be highly beneficial, while others are known to relieve a great deal... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best machines for running or jogging. they are best for home use and can be easily assembled. Free motion fitness is one of the best brands of treadmills. Free Motion... read more »

Produced by ICON Health and Fitness, Proform is a renowned “Home Treadmill Brand”. NordicTrack and Epic also being productions of ICON Health and Fitness also sometimes share their parts with ProForm Treadmills. The ProForm treadmills... read more »

People who are willing to invest on treadmills but for some reasons they have a moderate budget and have limited options to buy one. The good news is for them is that there are some... read more »

Treadmills are one of the best home use machines for workout. There are different kinds of treadmills with specific features and affordable prices. One of the best brands that you can check upon is Health... read more »

Want to know a beneficial fact about treadmill? When you run on treadmill, don’t lean forward because the belt pulls your feet back. The proper position is with the body upright. Did you know that?... read more »

If you want to maintain your physical fitness, increase your concentration ability, and promote your mental, psychological, and emotional well - being then: walking and running are ideal ways of exercising. Do you wish to... read more »

BH Fitness Treadmills are excellent products for a full body exercise. They are good for your health and fitness and are very convenient for regular exercises. People generally can get more out of a treadmill... read more »

Isn’t it nice to have a healthy and fit lifestyle!? Out of a large variety of workout equipment, treadmills are the best for your whole-body exercise. They help you to burn calories by walk, run,... read more »

Horizon Fitness is one of the best fitness equipment producing industry that provides high-quality home exercise equipment. The company offers a variety of treadmills fitted with latest features and technologies to make your workouts enjoyable... read more »

Treadmill is a kind of cardio exercise machine that offers you the effect of running outdoors and has many features like less risk of injury, entertainment features etc. With due course of time, a running... read more »

We all have heard the saying “You get what you paid for”. This is something we need to keep in mind while buying essential goods and fitness equipment too; because the repercussions of cheap products... read more »

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May 12, 2014 10:05 am

Horizon Treadmills are best in the entire fitness industry

Roberta Hand
Roberta Hand
May 31, 2017 4:53 pm

would like to know if you carry a Quinton CR 60 treadmill Rehabilitation. also do you accept purchase orders.

Woody Brauer
Woody Brauer
January 1, 2018 6:34 am

We have a Star Trac treadmill, model 4000, serial # 405797 with date of manufacture 11/21/1996.
1. Are parts (belt) still available?
2. Do you have a servicing mechanic or shop near Chattanooga, Tennessee?

Persis kalapesi
Persis kalapesi
January 25, 2018 4:27 am

Pls could you forward the service manual and how to use manual for product Tred X 1.6 lube ezy treadmill Sr. No 0710 05100, through my email. Thanks in advance. Persis

February 26, 2018 5:23 am

Please contact through email, tried to download treadmill user manual and could not , if possible send mend one through email

March 6, 2018 4:55 am

How much for the 5.65 smooth move treadmill?

Kendyll Bieze
Kendyll Bieze
April 21, 2018 6:23 am

Hi there, we need to rent 6 treadmills for an event on May 3. We will need door to door pickup and delivery.

Peter J. Slowiak
Peter J. Slowiak
November 15, 2018 5:18 am

I have a problem wit my treadmill Tempo 632T. After the belt lubrication it will run 4-5 seconds and stops. EI appears on screen. The speed setting test ran OK.

Abdul Raheem Arif
Abdul Raheem Arif
November 15, 2018 5:20 am

My treadmill is not working i want service engineer number as in treadmill i am gett9ng belt issue and i lost my manual and warranty card of this product i purchased this product recently so i request to please do the needfull

Paulette cameron
Paulette cameron
February 13, 2019 4:52 am

My treadmill is shutting off while in use and I get a message of E1 on my screen.

Dan Stinson
Dan Stinson
August 13, 2019 6:39 am

My 632t treadmill is randomly speeding up on it’s own. Any suggestions or trouble shooting tips.

December 9, 2019 6:14 am

i live in israel

Muriel Joseph-Plain
Muriel Joseph-Plain
February 12, 2020 4:43 am

I am in need of the guide to utilize my treadmill I have misplaced my guide could you please send me one to my e-mail. I can print it off. It is impossible to get in touch with your company. only one of my calls have been returned I was not home at the time no message left.

Susan Martinez
Susan Martinez
April 7, 2020 5:05 am

I have model JM15-003, DC90V, 1.50 HP, continuous duty motor. You can walk on the tread but all lights are out on front board, you cannot see you work out details, it will not stop automaticaly after you walk, like it use to. It’s like new for an senior citizen, so it’s not used a lot, plz let me know what I need to fix. Tk you

April 8, 2020 4:41 am

Hello, I have 2 screws missing from my treadmill after moving. The 2 screws are used to hold the handle bar up. Could you please advise on how i can get them replaced please?

Iskra Petrova
Iskra Petrova
April 12, 2020 7:08 am

Hi, I am looking at buying a treadmill – sturdy, good cushioning, easy to operate, for person with special needs. Hope you can assist, Thank you in advance

Andrew Morrison
Andrew Morrison
May 18, 2020 11:17 am

Hi. would it be possible to buy a new or refurbished PC Board for a Confidence TXI heavy duty treadmill. Item No HSM-MT08A

Natalie Orr
Natalie Orr
June 8, 2020 5:53 am

Hi, I have owned my 632T treadmill model # 667L328112835 for several yrs now and have always gotten the “E1” error code. I have tried the suggested resolutions but the problem just keeps getting worse. It now stops and the screen goes black. I truly wish I had returned this when I bought it but obviously it’s too late now. Can you pls help me with this problem so I can continue using the treadmill. Thank you

Gloria Antwi
Gloria Antwi
July 27, 2020 7:29 am

Hello, I bought a one of you treadmill today. I would like to but extra protection plan just to be on the safer side. Could you please call me and let me know what my option are. Thank you!

February 1, 2021 5:15 am

I am looking for a motor contoller 34000198 digital processor for our pacemaster silver select xp model treadmill….having problems finding one

February 15, 2021 6:10 am

We have a massage pillow and cannot find the power cord. There appears to be no serial number on the unit itself but there is information as follows on the small part of the remaining cord. AWM 80C 300V AFTI 22AWG AWM2464 E225375 V. Hope this helps and isn’t too much info. Thanks for the help…

February 17, 2021 5:49 am

hello there,
we are looking to buy XT-3600 Treadmill in KSA kindly let us know if you have any suppliers in KSA

May 5, 2021 6:48 am

Do you have a emergency stop button for a encore 1500-6c tread mill serial # 0118123 or do you know where l could get one thanks

Will Pirini
Will Pirini
May 14, 2021 5:19 am

I have a eliteT9526 bodyfit tread mill just wondering where can i purchase a manual for this model thanks Will

July 31, 2021 5:58 am

i have this treadmill for 6 years and recently it stopped working all of a sudden. we tried to put the power but it still didnt work. Do you know any places in Sydney that might fix it. Would you also know how to help us with this issue please

Luann Gray
Luann Gray
October 23, 2021 4:05 am

I would like service on my treadmill that is 15 years old. It is in good shape and turns on just fine, but the belt is not centre and it makes some noise. Has not been used for about 10 years. I am not sure if it needs oiling. I would like someone to come and service it please.

February 12, 2022 5:52 am

I have a key fitness A7t treadmill and have lost the red emergency pull plug. Is there a replacement part

Frank Metzger
Frank Metzger
February 18, 2022 6:52 am

Please send me the manual for your model HT403. I cannot find it on the internet.

Melanie Coulthurst
Melanie Coulthurst
February 22, 2022 4:46 am

Hi, we have a Health rider H9000i treadmill. It slips sometimes so it feels like I’m slipping on ice. Does it need a new belt? If so, how do I order that?
Thank you for your help!

May Li
May Li
March 30, 2022 3:46 am

How to use the Running Machine. I bough one already.
I touch the “power” , It show “Si 1” , but the belt does not move. please call me and teach me how to fix. thanks

larry Laureno
larry Laureno
April 19, 2022 4:30 am

My power btreadmill wont turn on. All of a sudden. Power is going into the tradmill when I press the turn on button the light goes on. Can you help me figure this out ?

September 20, 2022 3:33 am

My treadmill keeps popping up a E11code and I don’t know what it means?I lost the owners manual so it make it harder to trouble shoot?

November 21, 2022 4:28 am

Are parts available for – Treadmill CZEMAX.02 Serial # 0276192
– 12-29-03 ? I need a tread belt (that you walk on) – the machine is fine, but the belt is starting to come apart at the seam.

sharon wojno
sharon wojno
January 30, 2023 4:47 am

I was given a key milestone 1200 maintenance free deck treadmill. But i wasn’t told if i have to oil the belt. Please write me and tell me if i have to oil the belt. Date: Jan 25, 2023

Chris Fannin
Chris Fannin
February 4, 2023 4:25 am

I have a treadmill, model # SR3.0. I have power to the unit, but it does nothing. I have had neck surgeries, and trying to get it going

May 31, 2023 4:04 am

Looking for service on our T460 treadmill. We live in the Caledon, ON area. Close to Brampton, Vaughn or Woodbridge.
Treadmill shutdown during workout. Started last week and does it everytime we workout. Sometimes twice but no more than that. Press start and it continues exactly where it shutdown

Seena shah
Seena shah
July 28, 2023 10:42 am

I am looking for weider Europe treadmill model no we840032. Please email me price as I am interested

r. Davis
r. Davis
April 21, 2024 4:43 am

I have a Triumph 7.3t Treadmill made in 2005. The control board is 08-0158. Is this part available?