Strength Training Anatomy

Strength Training Anatomy

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Strength Training Anatomy

The Strength Training Anatomy is one of the best selling personal training book evr published. Over 850,000 copies are already sold out . This book with 400 colorfull illustrations showcases the muscles used during each exercise and delineates how these muscles interact with sorrounding joints and skeletal structures. Major muscle group of the body are targeted along with 115 total exercises for arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs, buttocks, and abdomen.

Frederic Delavier is the author of this strength training book. Delavier is currently a journalist for the French magazine Le Monde du Muscle and a contributor to several other muscle publications, including Men’s Health Germany.

Author of Strength Training Anatomy

Author– Frederic Delavier

Price in USD-$4.99

Publisher-Human Kinetics

Publication Date-2nd edition, October 26, 2005

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