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Tips and Exercises for Increasing Lung Capacity

We all know that Oxygen is an eternal part of our metabolism; we just can't survive without oxygen. Our lungs serve as both home and exporters for oxygen in our body. Everyone loves to have an enormous lung capacity but with the passage of time, somewhere down the line our lungs' capacity starts to deplete slowly. Apart from the growing age, there are several other factors that can lead to such a situation, like exposure to pollution, improper nutrition, lack of exercises etc. It has often been reported that depletion in one's lung capacity works as an onset to several other illnesses as well. In fact, Holger Schunemann (M.D.), lead research of a study on the relativity between lung function and mortality stated, "The lung is a primary defense organism against environmental toxins. It could be that impaired pulmonary function could lead to decreased tolerance against these toxins". The following tips and breathing exercises are targeted towards enhancing your lung's capacity to store and transport more oxygen to other parts of the body.

Exercises for Enhanced Lung Capacity

The Oriental Breathing

Without a single exhalation, try to inhale 3 (separated) small breathes through your nose. This is how to do it; after your first inhale, raise your arms to the shoulder height in front of your eyes. Now before the second inhale, open your arms in line with your shoulders. The as you go for the third inhale, simultaneously raise our arms overhead. Now hold it here for as long as you can and then exhale while circling your arms to their original positions. Try to repeat the same atleast 10-12 times.

Pushing Out

Popularized by the authors of Super-Power Breathing (Doctors Paul and Patricia Bragg), this exercise require you to acquire an upright posture while standing on a flat ground. Ensuring that your knees remain loosened up, try to bend over from your waist and simultaneously exhale all the air out from your lungs. Now return back to the initial position alongside inhaling the oxygen at an equal rate. Fill your lungs with the maximum level of oxygen you are comfortable with and try to hold on for as long as you can. While holding on to the inhaled oxygen, extend both your arms fully overhead. Then slowly exhale along with lowering your arms. Try to repeat this cycle atleat3-5 times.

Abdominal Breathing

Lay down comfortably on your back on a hard flat surface. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other one on the chest. Take a deep slow breathe while squeezing your stomach upwards. The best way to realize this is when you see the hand on your abdomen goes above the one on your chest. Now exhale slowly through your mouth and breathe in again through your nose and try to hold your breath for 7-10 seconds. Then breathe out, completely stretching your stomach muscles in order to make sure there is no residual air in your lungs. Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times.

Rib Stretch

Start with exhaling all the air from your lungs while standing upright. Now slowly breathe in to expand your lungs to their fullest. Try to hold the air for at least 20 seconds. While you count to 20, keep your hands on your hips with the thumbs pointing to the front and the little fingers to the back. Now exhale slowly and relax. Repeat this cycle 3-4 times.

Numbered Breath

Close your eyes and while feeling the calm inside yourself, exhale all the air out of your lungs. Now inhale deeply to expand your lungs to their fullest, hold on without exhaling and try to count till 10 before you breathe out. Again repeat the same but try to hold the air inside your lungs to a count of 20 this time. Similarly, keep repeating this process for 4-5 time and stretch your breath holding capacity to as much as you can.


Breathe in Deep

Always try to take a deep calm breathe and before exhaling completely, try to hold on to the air in your lungs for few seconds. Taking in a deep breath to fill your lungs with air will allow your lungs to capacitate more air and your abdomen to expand.

Keep Yourself Relaxed

Keeping your muscles relaxed while holding onto the inhaled air makes you to consume less energy and ultimately enhances the air storage capacity of your lungs.

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