Top 10 Dumbbell Workout Exercises
Dumbbells are some of the best free weight that are used for full body strength training workouts. Dumbbells can be used for the workouts for maximum all the parts of the body like shoulders, chest, back, forearms, calves muscles, triceps , biceps, back muscles and many more. Using Dumbbells in workouts increase the stamina , endurance and overall strength of the body. Here is the list of some best dumbbell workouts exercises.
List of Top 10 Dumbbell Workout Exercises

Dumbbell Alternate Biceps Curl
Dumbbell exercises for biceps target the inner, outer and lower biceps muscles.Stand with feet marginally separated, knees somewhat twisted, abs tight.With elbows to sides, raise one dumbbell and pivot lower arm until lower arm is vertical and palm confronts shoulder. Lower the position and rehash with another arm. Keep on alternating between sides.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Exercise
The Dumbbell Shoulder Press includes moving a barbell or dumbbells from the shoulder and pushing it up over the head until the elbows are completely bolted out. As the bar clears the head, the lifter leans forward slightly in order to keep balance. As the bar is brought back up to the shoulders and clears the head once more, the lifter inclines marginally back. Like the squat and dead lift, it could be considered an entire-body activity, to some degree.

Dumbbell Kickback Exercises for Triceps
The triceps dumbbell kickback exercise is a standout amongst the most productive and fantastic activities for the arms and building greater triceps. Kneel over seat with arm supporting body. Handle dumbbell. Position upper arm parallel to floor. Expand arm until it is straight. Return and rehash. Proceed with inverse arm.

Dumbbell Stationary Lunge Exercise
Dumbbell Stationary Lunge Exercise enhance your Glutes muscles and additionally reinforces the hamstrings, quads, calves, low back.For this hold a dumbbell in each one hand, arms stretched out by your sides, and lunge forward with your right foot. Keep your head up and back straight; this is your begin position. Drop your left leg around the floor by twisting both knees, verifying your right knee doesn’t pass over the plane of your toes. Stop just short of your rear knee touching the ground as your front thigh comes parallel to the floor.Press back up, compelling your body-weight through the heel of your forward foot. Complete reps on this side then switch to work the other.

Dumbbell Toe Raise Exercise
Dumbbell Toe Raise Exercise mainly works the upper portion of the calves or the gastrocnemius.Stand straight with your torso upright and hols the dumbbells in both you hand . Now Holding the Dumbbell raise above with pressure on you toes and heels above the ground so that the focus will be on you calves muscles. Hold on for seconds and then back to original position. Repeat this.
Dumbbell Bench Press

This exercise is very similar to the Barbell bench press, except that a pair of dumbbell is being used in place of a barbell. Remember always perform on a flat bench. It is one of the best exercise that can be done via dumbbells and focuses on chest. This exercise can be done in three forms also as in inclining bench press and also decline bench press which target the upper and lower region of your pectorals.

Dumbbell Row For Back Muscles
Dumbbell Row targets a variety of back muscles.This exercise is frequently performed with one knee and one hand on the same side of the body braced on a bench with the back straight and parallel to the ground, and the other hand holding a weight with the arm extended. The weight is lifted towards the hip until elbow bends past 90° .

Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Shoulder puts the ideal impression of your physic. Pick the dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells by your side at a manageable distance with the palms of the hand confronting you. This will be your beginning position.While keeping up the torso straight lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight curve on the elbow and the hands marginally tilted advance as though spilling water in a glass. Keep on going up until you arms are parallel to the floor. Breathe out as you execute the move and stop for a brief moment at the top. Lower the dumbbells back up gradually to the beginning position as you breathe in.

Dumbbell Forearms Wrist Curl
One of the best workouts for forearm flexors and built an incredible forearm. To perform this exercise you’ll have to straddle a seat and hold the dumbbell underhand . Spread your legs and rest your lower arm on the seat.Now allow the dumbbell to drop with the goal that it rolls into your fingertips. Grasp the weight and flex your wrist to bring the dumbbell to a beginning position.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Dumbbell Hammer Curl is a great exercise for the biceps and forearms.Position two dumbbells to sides, palms facing in, arms straight.With elbows to sides, raise one dumbbell until forearm is vertical and thumb faces shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat with alternative arm.